Life after Together for Development

We’re asking former participants of Together for Development what got them interested in the short course, what they learned, and what they are doing after this transformative experience. Hear from Woopi Anesu Takarasima  below:

Which edition of Together for Development did you attend?
I attended the 2018/19 edition of the Together For Development Short Course in eSwatini.

What sparked your interest in attending the UWC Short Course, Together for Development in Eswatini?
I had always wanted to participate in a youth empowerment programme, but the ones I had interest in were always far away and super expensive then a friend told me about TFD eSwatini and after going through the blog I decided to apply.
What was your favorite activity during the short course?
My favourite activity was most definitely the community stays, it opened my eyes to a world I had no idea existed and challenged my knowledge of what I believed the world was and ultimately led me to think outside of my comfort zone and developed part of my mission which is to make the world a better place for vulnerable groups of people.

What would you say was your biggest takeaway from the short course?
My biggest take away from the short course was that there is more to the world than what we individually experience and to fully live out the human experience is to step out of our shoes and walk in other people’s shoes and see the world from their perspective. Once that happens we’ll all work for the greater good of those that live in the world and work towards creating peaceful and sustainable solution for the world’s biggest problems.

How has this takeaway or other learnings from the short course influenced your life thus far or in the future?
The short course influenced my life in a way I would never have imagined. I’m now challenging myself to look beyond my immediate surroundings and work towards making the world a better place. I now volunteer at a refugee camp, it houses a large number of people fleeing conflict from countries like Burundi, Congo & Rwanda.The youth living there & I joined hands to create a safe space of learning, innovation & growing.I don’t believe in limitations or norms because I am in an environment that supports that view and allows me the opportunity to be whatever I want and aspire to be, what of the child who does not have that privilege? Therefore I seek to bridge that gap, to make available to the young people opportunities that every other child has access to. To ensure that every one of them has access to meaningful, impactful and inclusive education I strongly believe these are all issues that require us all to act with urgency to correct the wrongs and ensure that less people find themselves in disadvantaged situations.

What would you say to another young person to encourage them to attend a short course?
I would encourage any young person to attend the short course because I believe exposure to the UWC values and experience is life changing and will ensure that more young people are more proactive and collaborate in solving the world’s biggest problems.

If you are a former participant and want to share your story contact us via email at